General Ridgway Back in America – May 29, 1952
General Ridgway is back in America from Korea and Japan. He leaves a task most successfully performed. He goes to be the front line of defense against Communism in Europe. He takes the place of General Eisenhower, who is coming home to get into politics. No frenzy of public emotion was frothed up to greet General Ridgway. The biting term, emotional binge, was used by the good Republican Senator from Pennsylvania to describe a popular outburst of greeting of some months back.
General Ridgway – The General with me from now on – ranks with the foremost citizens of all the world today. I publish a portion of his recent speech on the current situation for two reasons. It is good reading and worth while. It gives insight into true greatness of the man, whom the world is to hear much from and about, from now on.