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  For Shame – State Liquor Store in Beard Hts. November 13, 1953

A state liquor store has been established on Beard Heights, and is in operation. The site is not over a half mile from corporate limits of the Town Marlinton. It is on State Route 219, leading directly into town.

For a number of years a State liquor store was endured in Marlinton, and it proved an unbearable menace and nuisance. The matter was put to a vote of the people, and it was voted out.
For a number of years, a liquor store was endured in the Town of Durbin. It proved an unbearable menace and nuisance and it was voted out.

I have never quite understood how come the people of Cass have been content to endure such a menace and nuisance without at least an appeal to popular vote for a show down of public sentiment.

It is needless to set down here the menace of alcohol as a habit-forming drug; how it destroys soul, mind and body.

What are we all going to do about it? Well, first to inquire if the state bureau will bow to the will and wishes of the majority of our people expressed in petitions filed.

Second, start the move for an expensive, county-wide election for to vote out this plague spot.