An Evening with Cal Price
The Movie
Starring Robert Conte in the One-Man Play
For one hour you will be part of the audience at:
The Opera House - 1910 * The Times Office - 1917 * A Political Gathering
in Ronceverte - 1921 * Hillsboro High School - 1933 * The Wildlife League
in Clarksburg - 1936 * The Journalism Conference in Morgantown - 1942 *
The Presbyterian Church in Richwood - 1946 * The Cal Price State Forest
- 1954
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you wish to order by mail..
You may send a Check for $22.95, along with your name and address to:
Pocahontas County Historical Society
106 Lamplighter Dr.
Lewisburg, WV 24901
Or call (304) 645-4998.
Postal Contact Information:
B.J. Sharp-Gudmundsson
PatchWork Films
106 Lamplighter Dr.
Lewisburg, WV 24901
phone: (304) 645-4998 fax: (304)