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DVD - $20.00

A Sense of Values” The life story of Charles Mundy, mayor of Rupert, West Virginia.

B.J. Gudmundsson, Producer ~ Joan C. Browning, Executive Producer.
Released: 2005

Charles W. Mundy
Shepherd’s Center of Greenbrier Valley
Community Service Award Honoree ~ 2006

The year is 1927. In the coalfields of western Virginia and southern West Virginia families scramble to earn their daily bread. In the wake of the Great Depression, the family of five-year old Charlie Mundy experiences a terrible loss – the untimely death of his father. In this time of want and grief, how does a young boy learn to become the man he became? This is the story told in “A Sense of Values.”

“I just have a different sense of values.
Things that don’t mean anything
to some people,
to me they mean a great lot.”
Charles W. Mundy, Mayor of Rupert, WV

“I think it comes from how we grew up.
He has all those ties in Tazewell…
maybe when he came to Rupert
it was just natural
to become a part of the community. “
Dr. Vivian Crane, Rupert, WV

Running time: 50 minutes